Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Heigh ho, heigh ho... Yep, I've gone back to work!!

I LOVE my little girl, and want the absolute best for her, as does every good parent. 

When Georgia was 6 months old, I resigned from my job as a recruitment consultant and decided to be a stay at home Mum. Both Sam and I agreed that for me to take care of her full time was what was best for our family and the decision was made. 

Somewhere along the line things changed: She grew older, more independent and confident. I grew up as a Mum and learned to relax and loosen my grip. We sold our house and bought a new, simpler and far more easily maintainable house, releasing me of a major burden. 

Another crucial thing happened: I chatted to one of my dearest friends, who Georgia loves like an Aunty and she readily agreed to care for her in her home, with her little boy, who happens to be G's BFF. Suddenly, everything fell into place- I met with my old employer who created a new position for me, starting at 1 day per week, then increasing to 2. 

I have to say, there are times that I question what the HECK I'm doing, whether I've made the right decision, but there are more times that I love it and the opportunity to have an awesome balance.

Now for some of the real stuff:

That first day: the first photo was a 9am, the second at 7:30pm (though it doesn't really show that I had been crying for more than an hour). When I got home that night with George at 6:30pm I suddenly felt tears explode down my face and they didn't stop till long after she was asleep in bed. I just wanted to hold her and cuddle her and read stories to her.

Then, she was a wrung out wreck for days, and I naturally wondered whether I had made a terrible mistake. But, the following week I realised that she didn't mind me leaving her with two of her favourite people for a day of fun, she was just a bit tired afterwards. It only took another week before she wasn't even tired, she wanted more. It all got WAY easier.

Now, I get to be a contributing member of society and do things like go out for work dinners and do photo shoots with umbrellas!

It truly is a good balance, but now I'm adjusting to the fact that I can't achieve everything that I used to as a full-time Mum, because I'm not... Something has to give so that I don't burn out, but I'm sure that I'll get there ;-)