Monday, 23 June 2014

Town of Corfu, Greece

On the second day of Mum and Dad’s cruise we visited the Greek Ionian Island of Corfu. This island is much larger and more “normal” (for want of a better word) than the islands of Mykonos and Santorini. On our first trip here with them we caught a local bus into the town.
Corfu adventurers
New fort

Old fort that thinks it's a boat

It was much like any of the other Greek tourist towns, but with more established and larger churches. Two main historic landmarks are the old and new forts. The old fort I named “the fort that thinks it’s a boat” and the new fort looked more foreboding and castle-like.

 There are a number of pleasant park areas around the town where the locals can be found fighting off the heat. We managed to find a spot to take a swim in the Adriatic Sea before hunting out some Gyros and heading back to the ship.

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